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Growflo News

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Alan Brown

Fully remote deployment highlights the benefits of working in the cloud

When COVID hit, everyone needed to adapt. For Growflo, it meant fully remote deployments.

It's late 2019, and we had just met Pacific Growers to demo Growflo. They were suitably impressed, and in early 2020 they chose Growflo. Everyone was excited. Then COVID hit. Suddenly everyone is dealing with all the challenges COVID has thrust into our lives - concern for each other, travel restrictions, working from home, and, generally, a lot of uncertainty. A lot was going on. The big question for Growflo was: how we deploy systems.

Fast-forward to late summer 2020, and both teams were keen to progress with the project. This meant one thing – a fully remote deployment. At this point, there had only been one face-to-face sales meeting.

Over the months that followed, the two teams held remote meetings and identified all the requirements. The Growflo team built the necessary functionality to match Pacific's needs. The Pacific team reviewed progress on the build via a dedicated development version of their system. Fast-forward to 2022, and Pacific now have completed one entire season on Growflo, and, in their own words, they "love" it.

What did this tell us? Distance and restrictions are not barriers to progress when deploying Growflo.

Managing director Alan Brown comments:

"Deploying an ERP system requires commitment, communication, and patience. We demonstrated that neither distance nor restrictions hampered our ability to deliver on our promises to Pacific Growers. The Growflo ERP, Android App, and trade web shop have had a significant, positive impact on the Pacific operation, and both teams can take a lot of pride in achieving this during such challenging times."

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